Kevin Saterlee Tearfully Confessed His Gay Secret

 Kevin Saterlee Tearfully Confessed His Gay Secret

Men who chose, or felt the need to live life on the down low have been vilified as long as the term has existed.

“Watch out for men on the down low,” they’d say.

Kevin Saterlee of the OWN series Greenleaf is not quite on the down low, but was heading in that direction.  That is, before he confessed to his wife about his feelings for men.

In the most recent episode of Greenleaf, Kevin Saterlee, was portrayed as a man struggling with homosexual feelings. Feelings that he himself did not understand.  Kevin was not a villain. He was only a human being.  Flawed and complex, but not a villain.

“I’ve been praying.  Baby I’ve been praying, but these feelings wont go away,” he cried.  “I love you.  I want help.  I want to fix this.”

“Are you gay?” His wife Charity asked.

“I don’t know,” Kevin replied in a whisper.

Following his honest confession, emotions boiled over. And Charity, who is pregnant with twins, ended up in the hospital.

The season finale of Greenleaf airs this coming Wednesday night.

Kevin Saterlee Tearfully Confessed His Gay Secret

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